For Your Health, For The Planet, For The Animals

Go Vegan In 30 Days

Introducing a new, easy way to go plant-based with our step by step instructional video course:



Are you in need of a change in your diet and lifestyle?

Do you feel like you’re eating healthy but still the scale won’t budge?

Have you been thinking of going plant based but not sure where to start?

Have you gone plant based before but couldn’t maintain it?

Are you drained of energy which leads to a lack of motivation to eat healthily + move your body?

Are you ready to get healthy, uncover the new you, and THRIVE this year??

If you answered YES to ANY of these questions, you’ve come to the right place.

The plant-based lifestyle is the answer! The power of a plant-based diet to transform your energy and your body is incredible. It has the ability to completely transform your entire life!

I know getting started and maintaining the diet seems overwhelming and complicated, especially if you’re new to it. But I promise…

It doesn’t have to be that hard!

In this 30 Day online program, I’m going to show you how to:

Get back your energy, focus, and motivation

Feel lean, fit and strong

boost your immunity and protect yourself from viruses

Feel more confident in your own skin

Slim down without dieting

Commit to a new lifestyle and maintain it EFFORTLESSLY!

Get your friends and family on board and loving the plant-based life

Our 30 Days To Vegan Course has shown thousands how to build a fulfilling and sustainable plant based lifestyle and it’s here to help you too!

But Wait… What is Veganism Anyway?

Also known as a plant based diet, a vegan diet does not include any food from animal sources including red meat, fish, shellfish chicken, eggs, dairy products and even honey. Moreover, vegans avoid any animal-derived ingredients in their everyday products, such as albumin, casein, carmine, gelatin, pepsin, shellac, isinglass, and whey.

But it’s more than a diet! People who choose to see veganism as a lifestyle rather than just a way of eating also avoid animal products in the form of leather, fur, animal tested beauty products, feather blanket and pillows, you get the idea. I’m here to show you how to do it all in a way that works for YOUR LIFE!

So... What DO Vegans Eat?

The vegan diet, besides being the healthiest on the planet, is extremely rich in variety! It contain vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and various substitutes like tofu, seitan tempeh, and of course everyone’s beloved CARBS!

From this abundance of choices we will show you how to create a PERSONALIZED MEAL PLAN that works for your health goals and your busy schedule.

Why should I go vegan?

For Your Health

Studies have demonstrated multiple health benefits from a good vegan diet such as weight loss, low sugar blood levels, lower risk of heart disease and certain types of cancers. The diet is also great for your digestion and it’s known to improve overall well being and increase energy levels. The vegan diet is also proven to boost your immunity!

For the environment

Going vegan is proven to be the single best decision you can make to help the environment. Avoiding animal products reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The resources (water, land, labor) required to produce animal based products are incredibly high compared to plant based food (the total amount of water needed – to produce one pound of beef is 1,799 gallons of water, for soybeans it is 216 gallons).

For the Animals

Do you love animals? We believe you do or you wouldn’t be here right? Did you know that more than 200 million animals are killed for food around the world every day? They are not only held is horrible conditions but also abused and exploited for economic gain. Is their suffering really worth it just for us to eat a burger or wear a leather bag? With the alternatives this course presents you will never question this again! By going vegan you can save nearly 400 animals per year!! Just committing to this 30 day course will help you personally save 30 animals.

For your pocket

Have you heard that being a vegan is expensive? That is completely untrue! Some of the world’s most affordable foods like rice, beans, potatoes are all vegan! Despite what you might hear a vegan diet is proven to be less expensive than one including animal products. Moreover, HEALTH IS WEALTH and going vegan will bring you just that!

The whole world is going vegan!

Did you know that these celebrities are plant based?

What’s included in

30 Days To Vegan

This is a 30 day video training program that will be hosted by me - Ewelina and will guide you through the step-by-step transition to plant-based eating.

30 Step By Step Instructional Videos: Available any time on any device

A Private New Vegans Community: Access to the supportive and motivational group where we share recipes, tips, and success stories

20 Recipe Videos: Transforming your diet is broken down into our favorite easy breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert recipes that are delicious and healthy

10 Downloadable Workbooks: We make veganism work for your lifestyle by providing you with custom worksheets


Your Ultimate Vegan Meal Plan: Solve the problem of not knowing what to eat with our crowd favorite daily meal plan

Take a sneak peek into the curriculum!

Module 1:

Learn the basics and set yourself up for success! Find out what to eat to achieve your health goals and how to combine foods for optimal digestion.

Module 2:

Make it work for YOU – How to adapt veganism to your current lifestyle and make it stick with our easy to implement tips.

Module 3:

Design Your Diet – Learn how to effectively meal plan, budget, and make delicious, nutritious vegan recipes for any craving.

Module 4:

Veganism In Real Life – Practical strategies for handling social pressure that inevitably comes from being a vegan. You will also get great tips on eating out, hosting holiday gatherings, attending social events as well as where to go to find vegan friendly restaurants in your area.

Module 5:

Lifestyle Choices – Go beyond fad diets and make veganism your new LIFESTYLE by incorporating it into your beauty routine and everyday products.

Are you in??

If you are ready to live a lifestyle with confidence so you look and feel your best, then this 30 day program has everything you need to get there.

While this program isn’t solely about weight loss, you can expect to…

finally have a way of eating that makes you feel amazing and that you can stick with and maintain!

I promise you this lifestyle doesn’t have to be as complicated as it may seem. You can get real results simply, without the overwhelm. Let me show you how!

This program is for you if...

Does this sound like you? Our 30 Days To Vegan Course is for you!

Join our vibrant community today and start crushing your healthy living goals!

See what our course members are saying:

“I’ve been wanting to go vegan for years, but never knew where to start. This course finally gave me the tools I needed to transform my diet and my life. I have now been vegan for 6 months and I feel amazing! I’m so proud to no longer be contributing to the suffering of animals and our planet! Thank you!”

Tania M. , CO

“I just finished all the course content and my mind is blown! I feel like I’ve finally found a way to make veganism really work for my lifestyle. I always thought it was so difficult and only for “certain people” but this program really walked me through adapting it to my needs. I’m fired up to make these changes and get my family on board too!”

Valerie P. , GA​

“Joining 30 Days To Vegan was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.. It gave me the tools to continue moving forward in my quest for more energy, more creative meals and to losing weight and keeping it off. I highly recommend it.”

Roberta A. , AL​

Full Value of this Program:

That’s $1,300 in total value

Your One Time Offer: $59


If within 30 days you don’t feel healthier, more full of energy, and fully satisfied with your new lifestyle, we will give you a refund right away!

There is absolutely NO RISK

...and check out the food we get to eat! 😍

Join today!

Hi, I’m Ewelina

In 2010, after struggling with my health and weight for years, I made the life-changing decision of going vegan and never looked back.

6 years later I launched my curated marketplace The Vegan Warehouse, with the mission of making plant-based living easier and accessible to all.

Now, a multi-million-dollar company, The Vegan Warehouse has changed the lives of over 80,000 customers. We have a social media following of over 100,000 loyal fans and together we are making the world a better, kinder place!

Over the years I’ve been asked by many of my clients to share introductory materials and tips on how to transition to a vegan diet. I realized how much misleading information is out there and that there was a huge need for easy to follow guidelines on going plant based!

That’s when I got inspired to create the 30 Days To Vegan Course to show our audience and YOU that living vegan CAN BE EASY if you have the right tools! I’ve helped over 5,000 people transition to a vegan diet with this easy-to-follow video course, and I want to help you too!

Your health and our planet are too important to keep putting this decision off, join me today in making a change!

Still got questions? We've got you!

This course is the right fit for you if you’re looking to incorporate more plant-based meals into your life. Whether you’re ready to go 100% vegan or just want to decrease your meat and dairy consumption, this course will show you exactly how to do that.

The course is accessible from any smartphone, ipad, laptop, or desktop computer. It comprises of 30 high quality instructional videos that can be replayed any time.

Think of this as a combo of a support team and cheerleaders! It’s a private group on Facebook that only members of the program have access to. It’s a place where you can share your progress, ask questions, cheer each other on, and most importantly, it’s a judgment-free zone! We’re all in this together — we’re here to lift you up, inspire you, motivate you and support you!

Yes. Your information will not be shared with anyone. Our payments are fully secured by Stripe.

Definitely not! The goal of this program isn’t necessarily to make you vegan (unless that is your individual goal). It’s more to show you how to live a life that is primarily powered by plants.I want to guide you through this process so that you have a strong foundation and a way of eating that you can stick with and maintain

If you give all our methods your best effort, but are not satisfied with the results, we will offer you a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

No! The one time $59 fee gives you lifetime access to the course and our Facebook group. You will not be charged again at any time.

Yes! You can reach us any time via email at or via Facebook and Instagram @TheVeganWarehouse. We’re happy to assist!

© 2020, 30 Days To Vegan. All Rights Reserved.